

Asset Type

Asset Classes

Taco Foundation

Taco Foundation


Tokenization platforms

Assets Under Management $ 1,670,310,328

Legal nameTACO Foundation

CreationNov. 16, 2022

RegulationExempted Foundation Company

Location George Town, Cayman Islands


TACO Foundation is an exempted Foundation Company registered under the laws of Cayman Islands. It acts as a legal entity involved in the collateral management of MakerDAO protocol, the issuer of the decentralized DAI stablecoin. It is responsible to transfer and invest stablecoins into real world assets, following the decisions of the MakerDAO decentralized governance.

TACO Foundation’s operations are governed according to its Articles of Association, which provide that the Director of TACO may only make certain decisions on certain matters with the prior approval of Maker Governance via a DAO Resolution.

BlockTower Capital Advisors LP, a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, is the manager and supervisor of the assets in the TACO Foundation account.

Assets 1
Name Asset types Asset classes AUM Blockchains Platforms
BlockTower Andromeda

BlockTower Andromeda



Money Market


$ 1,670,310,328


Money Market

$ 1,670,310,328

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