

Asset Type

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Backed HIGH € High Yield Corp Bond

Backed HIGH € High Yield Corp Bond

Issuer Backed Finance

Regulation Swiss Code of Obligations (Offering Terms approved by Liechtenstein and BX Swiss AG)

Location 10 La Chasse, Saint-Helier, Jersey JE2 4UE, Jersey


Price $ 6.17

Assets Under Management $ 164,410

As of Dec. 20, 2024


The Backed HIGH € High Yield Corp Bond is a tracker certificate issued as an ERC-20 token. bHIGH tracks the price of the iShares € High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF (the underlying fund) [ISIN IE00BF3N7094].

Through the strategy, investors get an exposure to Euro denominated high yield corporate bonds issued by both Eurozone and non-Eurozone issuers.

The underlying fund targets a return equal to the Markit iBoxx Euro Liquid High Yield Index.

Only Euro denominated bonds with a minimum amount outstanding of €250 million are included in the Index. At the time of inclusion in the Index, the bonds need to have a minimum time to maturity of 2 years and a maximum of 10.5 years and an average rating below investment grade but above CC.

Its offering terms have been approved by by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA) and in Switzerland by BX Swiss AG, according to Art. 973d et seqq. Swiss Code of Obligations ("CO") under Swiss law.



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