abrdn Liquidity Fund (Lux) - US Dollar Fund
Website: archax.com/invest/abrdn-u
Asset classes
Price Not available
Assets Under Management Not available
abrdn Liquidity Fund (Lux) - US Dollar Fund is a Money Market Fund available on Archax platform. Investments can be made directly in tokenized form with stablecoins subscription and redemptions. Orders are executed and paid same day if they are sent before cut-off time 16:00 UK time.
The Fund invests in high quality US Dollar denominated money market instruments issued by global companies. Corporations with headquarters in France, Japan and Canada account for more than 50% of the portfolio holdings as of June 2024.
The Fund's objective is to preserve capital and provide liquidity whilst aiming to provide a return in line with prevailing short term money market rates for which SOFR has been chosen as a performance comparator.