

Asset Type

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Société Générale Green Positive Impact Senior Preferred Notes

Société Générale Green Positive Impact Senior Preferred Notes

Asset classes

Issuer Société Générale

Regulation Senior Preferred Euro Medium Term Note Programme – Prospectus

Location 29 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris


Price $ 100.0

Assets Under Management $ 10,000,000


This issuance is a 10,000,000 EUR Green positive Impact Senior Preferred Notes due 30 November 20026 and registered in a distributed ledger technology kept by Societe Generale - Forge.

The note serves a fixed 4.015% annual coupon paid on 30 November each year including Maturity Date.

The Notes are dematerialised notes registered in the name of each Noteholder in a distributed ledger technology (dispositif d’enregistrement électronique partagé). The DEEP used as register to evidence title to the Notes is Ethereum, a consensus algorithm based on proof-of-stake.

The Notes are noted "Green" and proceeds can be used to finance eligible activities defined in the Sustainable and Positive Impact Bond Framework:

  • Renewable energy
  • Green buildings
  • Low carbon transport
  • Water management and water treatment
  • Pollution prevention and control
  • Circular economy



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